ISO 9001

 NEN 9001 is the internationally accepted standard for quality management. With the ISO 9001 certificate, Goudriaan Transport demonstrates that we meet customer wishes and requirements. You also demonstrate that you comply with applicable laws and regulations, that you respond to opportunities and threats through risk management and that continuous improvement is guaranteed in the organization. Goudriaan Transport is checked annually to see whether the company complies with laws and regulations.

VCA 2008/5.1

VCA stands for Safety (Veiligheid) , Health (Gezondheid)  and Environment (Milieu)  (VGM) Checklist Contractors (Checklist aannemers). VCA certified companies work with a VGM management system that meets the ARBO rules in the field of safety, health and environment. The VCA certificate is aimed at working safely in various industries. With the VCA certificate, Goudriaan Transport shows clients that they work in a safe and environmentally conscious manner.

Training company

Goudriaan Transport is fort he first time declared as a recognized training company. The Act Education and Vocational Education obliges MBO students to follow the practical part of their training with a recognized training company. Because Goudriaan Transport is a recognized training company, it is possible for MBO students to follow their internship at Goudriaan Transport.

This collaboration is there to ensure that students provide the best practical training with a view to a targeted job.

CMR conditions

The abbreviation CMR stands for Convention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandises par Route (= Convention concerning the contract for the international carriage of goods by road). The CMR is an international treaty between European countries. If Goudriaan Transport carries out international transports, the CMR conditions are always used.


AVC conditions

The abbreviation AVC stands for General (Algemeen) Transport(Vervoers) Conditions. These are mutual general conditions for transport, i.e. both the shipper and the carrier are users of these general conditions. These forewords are only used for national transport.


Physical Distribution conditions

If you want to place goods in storage at Goudriaan Transport, the Physical Distribution conditions are used.